CNR commercial diesel index RPT

Last updated : 28/03/2024

CNR road passenger transport commercial diesel index intends to observe the evolution of the diesel cost used as fuel by vehicles assigned to the public transport of passengers by road, excluding VAT, taking into account various refueling methods (pump and storage tank) and the partial refund of the French Excise Duty on Commercial Diesel (TICPE) valid for each quarter. Base 100 = December 2019 

CNR road passenger transport commercial diesel index is available online on the penultimate day of the current month (excluding Sundays and public holidays) at midnight. It includes weekly statements of diesel prices at the pump (DGEC source) as well as bi-monthly statements of diesel prices at the tank (CNR source) available at the date of publication. The other statements of the current month communicated after this date are considered in the index of the following month. Thus, over the year, the CNR index takes into account all the DGEC weekly prices statements of diesel at the pump. These methodological adjustments implemented in April 2022 do not lead to a beak in the chronological index series.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
January 88.02 92.62 93.73 96.76 85.58 114.61 135.83 121.66 118.54
February 88.48 89.99 96.92 91.55 89.96 121.50 128.15 126.89 117.72
March 85.25 90.78 97.73 79.18 91.45 156.14 129.52 124.16 /
April 86.48 94.00 99.36 72.48 90.84 130.60 122.81 123.19 /
May 83.40 98.12 98.87 73.53 92.35 132.28 114.57 117.67 /
June 80.10 97.49 94.03 77.29 95.03 151.17 115.89 117.73 /
July 80.90 96.85 95.45 79.35 96.90 139.10 119.32 117.72 /
August 82.41 97.95 93.90 78.43 96.13 134.32 130.83 112.76 /
September 85.86 100.05 96.52 75.31 99.31 122.90 136.26 107.82 /
October 86.26 103.30 96.39 76.14 109.00 149.20 132.18 110.52 /
November 88.80 99.25 96.81 78.39 107.28 130.92 126.07 112.80 /
December 90.08 93.62 100.00 82.06 105.95 123.36 122.18 113.09 /
Avg. 85.50 96.17 96.64 80.04 96.65 133.84 126.13 117.17 118.13
Avg variation year / 12.47% 0.49% -17.18% 20.75% 38.48% -5.76% -7.11% /

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