Construction cost index

Last updated : 27/12/2024

Construction cost index for residential buildings (CCI) - Base 100 = 4th quarter 1953 (Source INSEE) - This quarterly index is presented on monthly basis. Publication depending on Insee's calendar (time lag of nearly 3 months)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 1,083 1,125 1,159 1,183 1,225 1,270 1,362 1,385 1,497 1,503 1,508 1,554 1,617 1,646 1,648 1,632 1,615 1,650 1,671 1,728 1,770 1,822 1,948 2,077 2,227
February 1,083 1,125 1,159 1,183 1,225 1,270 1,362 1,385 1,497 1,503 1,508 1,554 1,617 1,646 1,648 1,632 1,615 1,650 1,671 1,728 1,770 1,822 1,948 2,077 2,227
March 1,083 1,125 1,159 1,183 1,225 1,270 1,362 1,385 1,497 1,503 1,508 1,554 1,617 1,646 1,648 1,632 1,615 1,650 1,671 1,728 1,770 1,822 1,948 2,077 2,227
April 1,089 1,139 1,163 1,202 1,267 1,276 1,366 1,435 1,562 1,498 1,517 1,593 1,666 1,637 1,621 1,614 1,622 1,664 1,699 1,746 1,753 1,821 1,966 2,123 2,205
May 1,089 1,139 1,163 1,202 1,267 1,276 1,366 1,435 1,562 1,498 1,517 1,593 1,666 1,637 1,621 1,614 1,622 1,664 1,699 1,746 1,753 1,821 1,966 2,123 2,205
June 1,089 1,139 1,163 1,202 1,267 1,276 1,366 1,435 1,562 1,498 1,517 1,593 1,666 1,637 1,621 1,614 1,622 1,664 1,699 1,746 1,753 1,821 1,966 2,123 2,205
July 1,093 1,145 1,170 1,203 1,272 1,278 1,381 1,443 1,594 1,502 1,520 1,624 1,648 1,612 1,627 1,608 1,643 1,670 1,733 1,746 1,765 1,886 2,037 2,106 2,143
August 1,093 1,145 1,170 1,203 1,272 1,278 1,381 1,443 1,594 1,502 1,520 1,624 1,648 1,612 1,627 1,608 1,643 1,670 1,733 1,746 1,765 1,886 2,037 2,106 2,143
September 1,093 1,145 1,170 1,203 1,272 1,278 1,381 1,443 1,594 1,502 1,520 1,624 1,648 1,612 1,627 1,608 1,643 1,670 1,733 1,746 1,765 1,886 2,037 2,106 2,143
October 1,127 1,140 1,172 1,214 1,269 1,332 1,406 1,474 1,523 1,507 1,533 1,638 1,639 1,615 1,625 1,629 1,645 1,667 1,703 1,769 1,795 1,886 2,052 2,162 /
November 1,127 1,140 1,172 1,214 1,269 1,332 1,406 1,474 1,523 1,507 1,533 1,638 1,639 1,615 1,625 1,629 1,645 1,667 1,703 1,769 1,795 1,886 2,052 2,162 /
December 1,127 1,140 1,172 1,214 1,269 1,332 1,406 1,474 1,523 1,507 1,533 1,638 1,639 1,615 1,625 1,629 1,645 1,667 1,703 1,769 1,795 1,886 2,052 2,162 /
Avg. 1,098 1,137 1,166 1,201 1,258 1,289 1,379 1,434 1,544 1,503 1,520 1,602 1,643 1,628 1,630 1,621 1,631 1,663 1,702 1,747 1,771 1,854 2,001 2,117 2,192
Avg variation year / 4% 3% 3% 5% 2% 7% 4% 8% -3% 1% 5% 3% -1% 0% -1% 1% 2% 2% 3% 1% 5% 8% 6% /

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