PIST - Air Freight

Last updated : 01/08/2024

Production index of transport services (PITS)-Goods-  Air transport of freight - Base 100 on 2021 (Source SDES) - This quarterly index is presented on monthly basis (time lag of nearly 3 months)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 119.99 118.61 113.15 103.95 126.00 115.15 111.49 107.76 108.90 110.58 106.52 96.84 98.95 95.00 97.27
February 119.99 118.61 113.15 103.95 126.00 115.15 111.49 107.76 108.90 110.58 106.52 96.84 98.95 95.00 97.27
March 119.99 118.61 113.15 103.95 126.00 115.15 111.49 107.76 108.90 110.58 106.52 96.84 98.95 95.00 97.27
April 114.51 118.80 115.49 108.69 125.66 110.95 111.91 112.38 109.48 112.70 40.43 99.14 100.09 96.70 99.99
May 114.51 118.80 115.49 108.69 125.66 110.95 111.91 112.38 109.48 112.70 40.43 99.14 100.09 96.70 99.99
June 114.51 118.80 115.49 108.69 125.66 110.95 111.91 112.38 109.48 112.70 40.43 99.14 100.09 96.70 99.99
July 119.85 120.14 114.33 110.82 111.41 111.47 110.22 111.65 117.74 111.49 76.19 100.95 97.34 100.53 101.67
August 119.85 120.14 114.33 110.82 111.41 111.47 110.22 111.65 117.74 111.49 76.19 100.95 97.34 100.53 101.67
September 119.85 120.14 114.33 110.82 111.41 111.47 110.22 111.65 117.74 111.49 76.19 100.95 97.34 100.53 101.67
October 118.11 119.27 108.96 109.20 122.13 110.72 110.24 111.27 116.33 106.54 89.31 103.07 98.13 100.37 /
November 118.11 119.27 108.96 109.20 122.13 110.72 110.24 111.27 116.33 106.54 89.31 103.07 98.13 100.37 /
December 118.11 119.27 108.96 109.20 122.13 110.72 110.24 111.27 116.33 106.54 89.31 103.07 98.13 100.37 /
Avg. 118.11 119.20 112.98 108.16 121.30 112.08 110.97 110.77 113.11 110.33 78.11 100.00 98.63 98.15 99.64
Avg variation year / 0.92% -5.22% -4.26% 12.15% -7.61% -0.99% -0.18% 2.12% -2.46% -29.20% 28.02% -1.37% -0.48% /

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