Factory price index in the industry

Last updated : 13/02/2025

Producer price index in the French industry, sold in France - Market price - A10 BE - All Industry - Base 100 (source INSEE).
Starting from October 2017, the series 001652106, base 2010, is stopped and replaced by equivalent series number 010534794, with connecting coefficient of 1.0629 as indicated by INSEE.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
January 83.90 86.70 86.20 87.50 87.80 90.20 93.30 95.20 100.00 98.30 98.40 103.00 107.40 110.00 109.10 105.94 104.16 108.07 108.78 111.51 111.39 111.87 135.59 155.29 145.32
February 84.20 86.80 86.10 87.80 87.90 90.00 93.30 95.70 100.40 97.80 98.50 103.70 108.00 110.70 108.90 107.12 103.56 107.60 109.14 111.75 110.68 112.94 135.59 153.27 144.97
March 84.60 87.00 86.40 88.10 88.40 91.00 93.80 96.00 101.00 97.50 98.90 104.50 108.50 110.70 108.70 107.24 103.92 107.00 109.73 111.75 109.26 114.12 141.53 155.29 145.08 /
April 84.90 87.30 86.70 87.50 88.70 91.00 94.50 96.40 101.70 96.70 99.50 105.60 108.60 109.40 108.60 107.36 103.56 106.89 109.38 111.63 107.24 114.36 143.19 149.24 142.95 /
May 85.30 87.60 86.60 87.20 89.10 90.90 94.70 96.70 102.90 96.50 99.60 105.30 107.50 108.00 108.00 106.77 104.04 106.53 110.09 111.04 106.89 114.72 142.83 146.51 141.05 /
June 85.60 87.50 86.40 87.20 89.10 91.50 94.90 96.70 103.70 96.70 99.70 105.20 106.80 107.70 108.10 107.00 104.63 106.29 110.44 110.44 107.60 116.14 144.61 144.61 140.93 /
July 85.90 87.00 86.70 87.30 89.50 91.90 95.50 97.20 104.30 96.80 100.00 105.80 107.60 108.70 107.80 106.89 104.75 106.29 111.28 110.92 108.19 118.04 147.34 144.37 142.24 /
August 86.10 87.00 87.00 87.50 89.90 92.20 95.80 97.30 104.00 97.10 100.00 105.70 108.90 109.30 107.40 105.94 104.63 106.65 111.75 111.04 108.43 119.22 151.02 145.32 142.47 /
September 86.80 86.90 87.20 87.30 89.90 92.50 95.30 97.80 103.50 96.90 100.50 106.10 109.20 109.60 108.20 105.82 105.11 107.12 112.34 111.04 108.78 121.12 152.08 146.86 141.64 /
October 87.00 86.60 87.10 87.40 90.40 92.80 95.20 98.20 102.80 97.60 101.10 106.60 109.70 109.20 108.50 106.17 105.82 107.48 112.70 111.04 108.67 124.44 151.73 146.51 142.59 /
November 87.10 86.20 86.80 87.60 90.30 92.40 95.20 98.90 101.10 97.90 101.60 107.00 109.30 109.40 107.50 105.70 106.17 108.67 112.46 111.63 109.26 127.41 150.30 147.10 /
December 86.70 86.10 87.10 87.40 90.00 92.60 95.00 99.40 100.00 97.90 102.20 106.80 109.30 109.50 106.50 104.51 106.89 108.55 111.28 111.51 110.56 129.31 152.32 146.98 /
Avg. 85.68 86.89 86.69 87.48 89.25 91.58 94.71 97.13 102.12 97.31 100.00 105.44 108.40 109.35 108.11 106.37 104.77 107.26 110.78 111.28 108.91 118.64 145.68 148.45 142.92
Avg variation year / 1.42% -0.23% 0.91% 2.02% 2.61% 3.41% 2.55% 5.14% -4.71% 2.77% 5.44% 2.81% 0.88% -1.14% -1.61% -1.51% 2.38% 3.28% 0.45% -2.12% 8.93% 22.79% 1.90% -3.72% /

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