
Last updated : 27/05/2024

Imports - All CIF/FOB exchanges except military equipment. Estimated values, CVS/CJO - in millions of Euros. Source: General Management of Customs and indirect duties / Ministry of Economy.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 25,417 29,509 27,873 28,412 28,089 30,430 35,759 36,488 41,203 33,771 35,267 42,493 42,838 42,946 43,163 41,205 41,855 45,348 47,310 48,136 46,777 45,446 58,393 63,890 56,357
February 26,412 29,116 28,215 27,853 28,541 31,256 35,010 37,366 41,207 33,514 35,056 42,655 44,589 42,790 41,028 41,060 42,089 44,379 45,604 48,002 47,393 45,100 58,832 61,862 57,020
March 26,512 29,289 27,995 28,936 28,676 31,666 36,143 36,821 40,553 33,205 37,048 43,313 43,323 41,625 41,842 43,420 41,195 44,675 45,603 49,481 38,700 47,327 61,403 60,463 58,242
April 26,357 28,953 28,655 27,551 28,924 32,594 36,178 38,003 40,889 32,274 37,350 42,957 43,619 43,360 41,445 42,169 41,845 44,069 47,079 48,346 28,973 47,978 62,094 61,274 59,341
May 27,504 29,861 28,189 27,118 28,204 31,768 36,690 38,778 41,391 32,520 37,915 42,350 44,145 42,851 41,633 43,629 40,319 45,227 47,760 49,104 35,866 47,393 62,466 61,819 59,052
June 27,604 29,113 27,641 27,577 29,946 31,299 36,096 38,450 42,006 33,133 38,433 42,410 43,169 41,617 42,756 42,794 40,373 44,124 47,798 48,646 41,167 48,399 65,770 59,699
July 28,430 28,413 28,201 26,902 30,101 33,035 36,742 38,448 41,686 32,962 39,246 42,453 42,444 42,124 42,837 42,250 41,935 46,211 47,208 48,157 43,162 48,875 66,176 61,356 /
August 29,140 29,245 27,866 27,013 30,123 33,503 37,401 38,745 41,848 32,703 39,263 43,270 44,790 41,868 42,000 41,357 43,220 44,676 47,510 48,312 43,110 49,692 69,368 60,106 /
September 29,202 27,469 28,332 27,876 30,794 33,524 36,053 39,651 42,239 33,277 38,544 42,944 43,141 42,954 42,494 42,240 42,079 45,205 47,753 47,873 44,005 49,890 71,197 58,998 /
October 30,436 27,404 27,401 28,122 31,666 33,790 36,519 39,462 40,501 34,300 37,333 42,636 42,986 42,073 41,854 42,846 42,234 45,488 48,278 48,211 44,186 52,831 65,260 59,330 /
November 29,846 27,572 27,973 27,617 31,251 35,369 35,627 39,147 37,358 35,214 41,388 43,707 42,297 42,548 41,704 42,346 43,754 46,293 46,233 47,554 42,997 54,853 66,708 56,482 /
December 30,675 27,541 27,705 28,472 30,374 35,069 37,423 40,453 35,817 35,220 40,755 41,714 42,591 42,702 41,536 42,655 44,373 46,018 47,642 46,167 43,723 57,474 66,912 57,777 /
Avg. 28,128 28,624 28,004 27,787 29,724 32,775 36,303 38,484 40,558 33,508 38,133 42,742 43,328 42,455 42,024 42,331 42,106 45,143 47,148 48,166 41,672 49,605 64,548 60,255 58,002
Avg variation year / 2% -2% -1% 7% 10% 11% 6% 5% -17% 14% 12% 1% -2% -1% 1% -1% 7% 4% 2% -13% 19% 30% -7% /

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