CNR short haul semi-trailer truck CNG index

Last updated : 07/03/2023

"Short haul semi-trailer truck - CNG" index intends to observe the evolution of the costs of short haul road freight transport by means of semi-trailer trucks with GVW up to 44t, powered by compressed natural gas, during transport operations for hire or reward.

Short haul is referred to be transport activities whose operating conditions enable the driver to go back home daily. This index remains valid for the costs of a rented vehicle, under identical operating conditions. Base 100 = December 2000.

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
January / 100.32 100.18 128.53 150.21 115.61 120.51
February / 98.94 101.11 128.00 118.29 113.34 /
March / 97.99 100.31 130.10 116.73 110.93 /
April / 98.50 100.61 140.85 112.24 110.88 /
May / 97.21 101.90 133.49 111.91 111.03 /
June / 96.81 103.74 130.25 107.71 114.14 /
July / 96.73 104.52 136.68 104.58 115.74 /
August 100.00 96.41 105.72 155.39 105.61 114.96 /
September 99.86 97.33 108.88 185.45 110.76 117.17 /
October 99.41 97.95 114.39 173.35 112.01 116.66 /
November 99.38 99.06 120.86 147.37 115.17 117.17 /
December 99.51 99.70 121.12 147.54 117.56 119.67 /
Avg. 99.63 98.08 106.95 144.75 115.23 114.78 120.51
Avg variation year / -1.56% 9.04% 35.35% -20.39% -0.40% /

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