CNR driver index school and regular passenger transport services

Last updated : 26/03/2025

Drivers cost index gathering conventional scale evolutions, social contributions on wages and consequences of social regulation modifications. 
Base 100 = December 2019.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
January 93.50 98.08 100.81 99.52 101.67 101.28 107.19 128.15 128.84
February 93.50 98.08 100.81 99.52 101.67 101.28 115.40 128.15 133.26
March 93.50 98.08 100.81 102.32 101.67 101.28 118.13 128.15 /
April 93.50 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 106.37 118.13 128.15 /
May 96.97 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 105.17 117.04 128.15 /
June 96.97 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 105.17 117.04 128.15 /
July 96.97 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 105.17 120.31 128.21 /
August 96.97 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 104.57 120.31 128.21 /
September 96.97 98.08 100.81 102.32 102.09 104.57 120.31 128.21 /
October 96.97 98.08 100.00 102.32 101.72 108.06 120.31 128.21 /
November 96.97 98.08 100.00 102.32 101.72 108.06 120.31 127.95 /
December 96.97 98.08 100.00 102.32 101.72 108.06 120.31 128.84 /
Avg. 95.81 98.08 100.61 101.85 101.89 104.92 117.90 128.21 131.05
Avg variation year / 2.37% 2.58% 1.24% 0.04% 2.97% 12.37% 8.75% /

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