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A small State in the European Union, Luxembourg has more than 613,000 inhabitants. The country joined the European Union in 1958 and the Eurozone in 1999. Thanks to its centrality, Luxembourg is considered  as an important base for transport and logistics activities.

Luxembourg is part of the European program of CNR. The first study on its RFT sector was carried out in 2013.
Find here all the studies and information concerning this flag.

In million 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
TOTAL 7,950 8,606 9,599 7,849 8,297 8,092 6,800 7,381 6,176 6,904
Domestic transport 1,044 777 1,128 978 1,067 1,017 647 661 511 6,212
International transport 6,906 7,829 8,471 6,871 7,231 7,075 6,154 6,720 5,664 6,283


Unit Luxembourg (simulation)
Yearly mileage of vehicle km 123,000
Number of operating days days/yr 240
Semitrailer/tractor ratio 1.26
Driver cost €/yr 51,964
Driver/tractor ratio 1.09
Yearly cost of vehicle financing and possession €/yr 15,739
Average consumption per 100 km litres 31.0
  Unit fuel price, 2021 average €/litre 1.0106
Fuel cost €/yr 38,534
Tyres €/yr 3,035
Maintenance-repair €/yr 6,900
Tolls and vignettes €/an 13,050
Insurance (vehicle) €/yr 2,470
Axle tax and other vehicle taxes €/yr 765
Synthesis - cost price (excluding overhead costs) 137,134
 Cost/mileage ratio per annum €/km 1.11
 Overhead cost €/km 8,753
Synthesis - full cost price 145,887
 Full cost per kilometre €/km 1.19


Unit Luxembourg (simulation)
Gross salary (miscellaneous bonuses and overtime included) subject to social contributions and to income tax €/yr 42,136
Travel allowances and other elements of remuneration not subject to social contributions nor to income tax €/yr 4,302
Employer contributions (after deduction of state aids) % 13.00%
Employer contributions in absolute terms €/yr 5,528
Annual cost total €/yr 51,964
Number of actual working days per year day/yr 220
Working time per year h/yr 1,710
Annual mileage km 112,750
Cost of one hour's work €/h 30,39
Cost per kilometre €/km 0.46


All taxes includes price, excise duty, VAT published on week of