PDF generated on 14/02/2025 à 13h15

PIST - Express, Courier and Chartering

Last updated : 01/08/2024

Production index of transport services (PITS)- Express, Courier, Chartering and Transport organisation - Base 100 on 2021 (Source SDES) - This quarterly index is presented on monthly basis (time lag of nearly 3 months)

Indicator data

Native data

January February March April May June July August September October November December Avg. Avg variation year
2000 /
2001 /
2002 /
2003 /
2004 /
2005 /
2006 /
2007 /
2008 /
2009 /
2010 115.29 115.29 115.29 116.09 116.09 116.09 120.20 120.20 120.20 118.63 118.63 118.63 117.55 /
2011 118.89 118.89 118.89 121.25 121.25 121.25 118.43 118.43 118.43 117.54 117.54 117.54 119.03 1.26%
2012 114.72 114.72 114.72 115.01 115.01 115.01 114.53 114.53 114.53 115.47 115.47 115.47 114.93 -3.44%
2013 113.75 113.75 113.75 115.47 115.47 115.47 115.12 115.12 115.12 116.42 116.42 116.42 115.19 0.22%
2014 115.74 115.74 115.74 117.01 117.01 117.01 118.59 118.59 118.59 117.23 117.23 117.23 117.14 1.69%
2015 119.03 119.03 119.03 119.46 119.46 119.46 121.46 121.46 121.46 120.50 120.50 120.50 120.12 2.54%
2016 121.15 121.15 121.15 121.14 121.14 121.14 122.57 122.57 122.57 123.86 123.86 123.86 122.18 1.72%
2017 125.10 125.10 125.10 126.02 126.02 126.02 125.76 125.76 125.76 121.97 121.97 121.97 124.71 2.07%
2018 122.36 122.36 122.36 121.69 121.69 121.69 118.10 118.10 118.10 118.79 118.79 118.79 120.23 -3.59%
2019 119.91 119.91 119.91 118.27 118.27 118.27 119.80 119.80 119.80 113.35 113.35 113.35 117.83 -2.00%
2020 102.86 102.86 102.86 93.59 93.59 93.59 102.57 102.57 102.57 103.81 103.81 103.81 100.71 -14.53%
2021 99.90 99.90 99.90 105.42 105.42 105.42 96.29 96.29 96.29 98.40 98.40 98.40 100.00 -0.70%
2022 100.27 100.27 100.27 104.19 104.19 104.19 108.21 108.21 108.21 108.21 108.21 108.21 105.22 5.22%
2023 107.10 107.10 107.10 105.76 105.76 105.76 105.25 105.25 105.25 105.97 105.97 105.97 106.02 0.76%
2024 106.73 106.73 106.73 110.33 110.33 110.33 108.53 2.37%