2023 European RFT ranking
The strong recovery in European RFT observed after the COVID-19 period appears to be co...
The strong recovery in European RFT observed after the COVID-19 period appears to be co...
The Polish road haulage sector, the European leader in RFT, is now experiencing a numbe...
The Danish RFT sector is primarily involved in domestic transport, which accounts for a...
Never studied before by the CNR, the Norwegian RFT sector is evolving in a unique conte...
After two years of strong fluctuations, European RFT activity ends the year 2022 in bal...
CNR updates its European overview of the specific taxation applied to diesel in Europe ...
With a population of over 11 million and a territory covering 30,666 km2, Belgium is th...
The Swedish RFT sector, which is the largest in Northern Europe and the first to be the...
The fifth-largest European sector in terms of total activity, the Italian RFT sector ha...
One of the features of road freight transport in Luxembourg is its strong international...
Bulgarian road freight transport (RFT) is mainly internationally-focused (i.e., more th...
Due to the exceptional circumstances of 2020, the CNR decided to wait for the publicati...
The second largest European sector after Poland in terms of total activity, albeit the ...
CNR presents its European overview of the taxation applied to diesel in Europe and deta...
The CNR presents for the first time a European overview of levies (road taxes and charg...
Real diesel prices for a heavy goods vehicle in Europe (excise duties, discounts and VA...
The last country to join the European Union in 2013, Croatia's economy is dominated by ...
A small Alpine country, Slovenia was the first country from the former Yugoslavian nat...
Lithuanian road freight transport (RFT) is mainly internationally-focused (i.e., 93% of...
CNR presents its European overview of the taxation applied to commercial diesel in Euro...
Latvian road freight transport (RFT) is mainly internationally-focused (around 80% of t...
As the only Central European country that was not part of the Eastern bloc, Austria has...
This new study on the Romanian RFT sector in 2020 carried out in cooperation with the R...
The Spanish road freight transport (RFT) sector stands out in Europe due to the large n...
International activity accounts for almost two thirds of the Estonian sector’s total ac...
The Hungarian sector has some distinctive features that make it stand out in its region...
Since the early 2000s, the Slovak RFT sector has been characterized by its focus on the...
As in many other sectors, the Czech Republic seems to be gravitating increasingly towar...
A leader in the European market, the Polish flag has been ranked first in international...
The Portuguese RFT sector remains marked by a strong international activity representin...
The West bounces back After a short spell at the top of the ranking in 2017, Poland lo...
The Dutch RFT sector is marked by a strong specialization of its companies: logistics, ...
CNR presents its European overview of the taxation applied to commercial diesel in Euro...
The time has come for Brexit. After three and a half years of negotiations, the United ...
Poland takes the top spot After emerging from the crisis in 2015, European RFT recorde...
Croatia, a small outlying country and the latest entrant into the EU, is best known as ...
CNR presents its European overview of the taxation applied to commercial diesel in Euro...
Leader in Europe, the German RFT is turning more and more towards its domestic market, ...
Because of its size and its position in Europe, Luxembourg's economy is resolutely inte...
International counts for more than 90% of the total activity of the Slovenian sector, o...